myCalibration Documentation Page

The platform for your KELLER sensor calibration data

KELLER myCalibration Logo

Table of Contents

1) Overview
2) Web App
3) Web API
4) The JSON Schema
5) Sample Software
6) FAQ
7) Roadmap
8) Release Notes

1) Overview

KELLER’s «myCalibration» is a data-platform for KELLER customers. Via KELLER «myCalibration», customers can access digital calibration data of their KELLER sensors.


Web App UI


«myCalibration» is designed with data from various KELLER transducers and transmitters in mind. As an example, it can be used to hold information of Mathematical Compensation Models as well as X-line transmitter calibration data.


Calibration data is available in JSON file format. Thanks to its widespread use and a broad availability of programming libraries, this format allows for an easy and quick integration in customer software. What is more, as a quick check, JSON data can be inspected in any text editor.


The structure of the JSON file is defined in a JSON schema. This schema is made publicly available, allowing a full integration in customer software.


Web App

A user interface that is accessible over any standard web browser gives customers access to calibration data of their sensors. Customer data is only accessible after an individual login and cannot be seen by others. After using various search and filter functionalities, the user can download calibration data of individually selected sensors or perform a bulk download of multiple datasets.


A REST API is available for automated access. Customers can integrate this API into their processes. This allows them e.g. to automatically download the calibration data of newly received sensors and integrate this into their production processes.

2) Web App

The web app is here:

Web App UI

There is a free demo user account with the username ‘Demo1234’ and the password ‘Demo1234’.

Sign Up & Sign In

Signing up a user account can be done with the help of There is already a free demo account ‘Demo1234’ with the password ‘Demo1234’ to see some demo data.

login example

3) Web API

The Web API’s URL is

The OpenAPI specification page is:

All the calibration data can be exported as

The Swagger JSON file can be found here:

Most important API endpoints

GET /v1/CalibrationData/Headers

Responds with the meta-information(header-part) about accessible calibration data. See Header data.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
skip query OPTIONAL. Skips the given number of rows. The opposite of Take. No integer
take query OPTIONAL. Takes only the first .. rows of meta information. The opposite of Skip. When not specified the API tries to get all rows. No integer

GET /v1/CalibrationData

Responds with the complete calibration data in JSON form. See filter parameters. The query can be filtered. See filter parameters.

GET /v1/CalibrationData/Export

Exports the filtered calibration data as ZIP (or BROTLI) file with the calibration files (JSON). As a result, a download link is replied. Brotli-file-type is not supported as of now.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
fileType query 1 = All calibration data items will be merged in one JSON list 2 = All calibration data items will be merged in one JSON list. This JSON file will be compressed to zip file 3 = Every calibration data items will stored as JSON file. All these files will be compressed to one single zip file 4 = Every calibration data items will stored as JSON file. All these files will be compressed to one single brotli file No ExportFileType

plus all filter parameters

GET /v1/CalibrationData/Count

Get the count of the calibration data set based on the optional search parameters. See filter/search parameters. If optionalSearchParameter or its fields are null then the returned number is the amount of all sensors the account has access to. You can use this to quickly find out how many files you request with a given query.

GET /v1/CalibrationData/List

Get a list of all identifier strings of the calibration data set defined by the optional search parameters. See filter/search parameters. These identifier strings (IncludedIds) can then used as input as filter parameter for a query in GET /v1/CalibrationData

GET /v1/CalibrationData/New

Get a list of all data that is stored in myCalibration after given datetime since. Data is stored in myCalibration mostly, 1 day before the start of the delivery from Switzerland. This correlates with the dispatch date but differs often.

Name Located in Description Required Schema
since query UTC DateTime - Responses contain all data younger than this moment Yes integer

PUT /v1/CalibrationData/New

WARNING: Only use when you know what you do. Better ask Gathers all NEW data. ‘New data’ is calibration data that was never requested with this request. A second request might return an empty list. Optionally, if the new data could not be stored, then with ‘countOfHoursDataWasAlreadyRequested’ the data requested will be shown again back to the given hours. Optionally, ‘countOfHoursDataWasAlreadyAssigned’ can be used

Name Located in Description Required Schema
take query   No integer
countOfHoursDataWasAlreadyRequested query   No integer
countOfHoursDataWasAlreadyAssigned query   No integer


Mefisto = MEtainfo for FIle STOrage Example:

  "id": 28651,
  "customerName": "DemoData Inc.",
  "customerNumber": 12345678,
  "subCustomerNumber": 0,
  "remarks": "",
  "serialNumber": "23650",
  "productNumber": "123856.1113",
  "productType": "PA-23R",
  "pressureType": "Pa",
  "productSeries": "23R",
  "compensatedTemperatureRangeMin": 15.0,
  "compensatedTemperatureRangeMax": 70.0,
  "compensatedTemperatureRangeUnit": "C",
  "compensatedPressureRangeMin": 0.0,
  "compensatedPressureRangeMax": 1.0,
  "compensatedPressureRangeUnit": "Bar",
  "electricSupplyMin": 4.5,
  "electricSupplyMax": 24.0,
  "electricSupplyMagnitude": 0.0,
  "electricSupplyUnit": "V",
  "orderNumber": 9990740,
  "orderPosition": 1,
  "orderTargetDispatchDate": "2017-05-26T00:00:00",
  "customerOrderNumber": "Cust-9990740-123",
  "customerReferenceNumber": "ABC",
  "customerProductType": "123451-1113",
  "subCustomerOrderNumber": null,
  "subCustomerOrderPosition": null,
  "assignedToSubCustomerDateUtc": null
Name Type Description
Id Integer internal id
CustomerName String Customer name
CustomerNumber Integer KELLER customer identification number
SubCustomerNumber Integer KELLER customer identification number for a customer of a customer
Remarks String File creation date (UTC)
SerialNumber String KELLER product serial number
ProductNumber String KELLER product number
ProductType String KELLER product type
PressureType String KELLER product pressure type
ProductSeries String KELLER product series
CompensatedTemperatureRangeMin Double Temperature range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated
CompensatedTemperatureRangeMax Double Temperature range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated
CompensatedTemperatureRangeUnit String Temperature range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated U
CompensatedPressureRangeMin Double Pressure range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated
CompensatedPressureRangeMax Double Pressure range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated
CompensatedPressureRangeUnit String Pressure range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated
ElectricSupplyMin Double Nominal electric supply Min
ElectricSupplyMax Double Nominal electric supply Max
ElectricSupplyMagnitude Double Nominal electric supply Magnitude
ElectricSupplyUnit String Nominal electric supply Unit
OrderNumber Integer KELLER purchase order number
OrderPosition Integer KELLER purchase order position
OrderTargetDispatchDate Date Targeted dispatch date of the order
CustomerOrderNumber String Customer internal purchase order number
CustomerReferenceNumber String Customer internal reference number
CustomerProductType String Customer internal product type
SubCustomerOrderNumber String Invoice Number from the Customer for the SubCustomer
SubCustomerOrderPosition String Additional order details for the SubCustomer from the Customer. Eg."Invoice Line"
AssignedToSubCustomerDateUtc Date Timestamp of the moment the data was assigned to a sub customer

Filter parameters

Name Located in Description Required Schema
IncludedIds query If null: Either are ‘ALL SELECTED’ or some are unselected (and listed in ExcludedIds)
If not null: None are selected except those that are listed here.
It is not allowed to have IncludedIds AND ExcludedIds have listed values. One most be null or both most be null.
The list of included ids is limited to 50. More than 50 will throw an exception.
No [ string ]
ExcludedIds query If null: Either are ‘ALL SELECTED’ or only some few are selected (and listed in IncludedIds)
If not null: All are selected and except those that are listed here.
It is not allowed to have IncludedIds AND ExcludedIds have listed values. One most be null or both most be null.
The list of excluded ids is limited to 50. More than 50 will throw an exception.
No [ string ]
OrderNumbers query List of Order Numbers No [ string ]
OrderPositions query List of Order Positions No [ string ]
DateFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘DateTo’ is needed.
Example 1:
“All data newer than August 1st” =
Example 2:
“All data from the year 2020” =
Example 3:
“All data from the first day in January and February” =
No string
Date query Dispatch-date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
Normally, this is a list with one element. Nevertheless, it is possible to GET calibration data from multiple dates. In this case DateFilterType must be ‘equals’ and DateTo must be null.
No [ string ]
DateTo query Used when DateFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘Date’ to ‘DateTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
No string
CustomerProductTypes query To search for [Blanks] use “blank” No [ string ]
PressureTypes query Eg. [“pa”,”paa”,”pr”] To see all possible enum strings, go to No [ string ]
ProductSeries query Eg. [“10LHP”,”25Y”,”46X”,”K-102”] No [ string ]
ProductNumbers query   No [ string ]
SerialNumberSearchText query Use this to find all SerialNumbers that contains this text content. No string
PressureMinFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘PressureMinTo’ is needed.
No string
PressureMin query The exclusive lower bound of the “Minimum Pressure” No double
PressureMinTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Minimum Pressure”.
Used when PressureMinFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘PressureMin’ to ‘PressureMinTo’.
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
No double
PressureMaxFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘PressureMaxTo’ is needed.
No string
PressureMax query The exclusive lower bound of the “Maximum Pressure” No double
PressureMaxTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Maximum Pressure”
Used when PressureMaxFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘PressureMax’ to ‘PressureMaxTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
No double
PressureUnit query List of the Pressure Unit No [ string ]
TemperatureMinFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘TemperatureMinTo’ is needed.
No string
TemperatureMin query The exclusive lower bound of the “Minimum Temperature” No double
TemperatureMinTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Minimum Temperature”
Used when TemperatureMinFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘TemperatureMin’ to ‘TemperatureMinTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
No double
TemperatureMaxFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘TemperatureMaxTo’ is needed.
No string
TemperatureMax query The exclusive lower bound of the “Maximum Temperature” No double
TemperatureMaxTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Maximum Temperature”
Used when TemperatureMaxFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘TemperatureMax’ to ‘TemperatureMaxTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
No double
TemperatureUnit query List of the Temperature Unit No [ string ]
SupplyMinFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘SupplyMinTo’ is needed.
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No string
SupplyMin query The exclusive lower bound of the “Minimum Supply”
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyMinTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Minimum Supply”
Used when SupplyMinFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘SupplyMin’ to ‘SupplyMinTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyMaxFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘SupplyMaxTo’ is needed.
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No string
SupplyMax query The exclusive lower bound of the “Maximum Supply”
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyMaxTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Maximum Supply”
Used when SupplyMaxFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘SupplyMax’ to ‘SupplyMaxTo’
Date text in format ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ eg. “2021-12-24”
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyMagnitudeFilterType query One of ‘equals’, ‘greaterThan’, ‘lessThan’, ‘notEqual’, ‘inRange’, ‘lessThanOrEqual’, ‘greaterThanOrEqual’.
When ‘inRange’ then ‘SupplyMagnitudeTo’ is needed.
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No string
SupplyMagnitude query The exclusive lower bound of the “Supply Magnitude”
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyMagnitudeTo query The exclusive upper bound of the “Supply Magnitude”
Used when SupplyMagnitudeFilterType is ‘inRange’.
Data is gathered from ‘SupplyMagnitude’ to ‘SupplyMagnitudeTo’
Either Min/Max is used or Magnitude.
No double
SupplyUnit query List of the Supply Unit No [ string ]
CustomerReferenceNumberSearchText query Find all data with contains this search text No string
CustomerOrderNumberSearchText query Find all data with contains this search text No string
RemarksSearchText query Find all data with contains this search text No string

Filter parameters - PhysicalUnits & PressureTypes

Filter parameters - PhysicalUnits : PressureUnit, TemperatureUnit, SupplyUnit

Although ‘%FS’ is shown in the UI and listed in the JSON, the API parameter string used is ‘Fs’.

|          |             |
|   Unit   |  API string |
|  %FS     |  Fs         |
|  A       |  A          |
|  K       |  K          |
|  MOhm    |  MOhm       |
|  MPa     |  MPa        |
|  Ohm     |  Ohm        |
|  Pa      |  Pa         |
|  Torr    |  Torr       |
|  V       |  V          |
|  VDC     |  VDC        |
|  atm     |  Atm        |
|  bar     |  Bar        |
|  cmH2O   |  CmH2O      |
|  cmHg    |  CmHg       |
|  ftH2O   |  FtH2O      |
|  hPa     |  HPa        |
|  inH2O   |  InH2O      |
|  inHg    |  InHg       |
|  kN/m2   |  KNM2       |
|  kOhm    |  KOhm       |
|  kPa     |  KPa        |
|  kp/cm2  |  KpCm2      |
|  lbf/ft2 |  LbfFt2     |
|  mA      |  MA         |
|  mH2O    |  MH2O       |
|  mV      |  MV         |
|  mV/V    |  MVV        |
|  mV/mA   |  MVMA       |
|  mbar    |  Mbar       |
|  mmH2O   |  MmH2O      |
|  mmHg    |  MmHg       |
|  psi     |  Psi        |
|  °C      |  C          |
Filter parameters - PressureTypes

Although ‘PA’ is shown in the UI and listed in the JSON, the API parameter string used is ‘Pa’.

|        |             |
|  Unit  |  API string |
|  PA    |  Pa         |
|  PAA   |  Paa        |
|  PD    |  Pd         |
|  PR    |  Pr         |
|  PRD   |  Prd        |

Example queries

Please see

Generate client SW using the OpenAPI/swagger schema

Use The Swagger/Openapi import URL is here:

Accessing the API with the Permanent Access Token

There are two types of tokens. The Permanent Access Token and the Temporary Access Token.

With the Temporary Access Token it is possible to access the data via API using the Swagger/OpenAPI UI. This is working for a couple of hours after login.

The Permanent Access Token is used to access the API programmatically without manual login.

Temporary Access Token

Get the Temporary Access Token form the Profile Settings:
Profile Settings

In the Swagger/OpenAPI UI click on the Authorize button and enter the Temporary Access Token: Profile Settings

Permanent Access Token

As of now, you have to request the the Permanent Access Token directly from KELLER’s myCalibration Support Team :

The provided access token must be the value with the key ‘userOid’ in the header of every request. This way a bearer token and the OAuth 2 flow is NOT needed anymore. Using the Permanent Access Token

Use tools like Postman, Insomnia or curl to test the API.
There are many programming examples on Github. Here an example in C#:

  var url         = "";
  var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

  // Add the permanent access token to the header with the userOid key
  httpRequest.Headers["userOid"] = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR....";

  string resultJsonText;
  HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
  using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    resultJsonText = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

4) The JSON Schema

The schema can be downloaded as JSON Schema here. And converted to various other file types here.

Root objects Explanation
Version Version string for the schema with semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) E.g. “1.0.0”
Header Meta-information data to identify the sensor data
CompensationMethods MathMod data
Measurements Measurements point of the T/P-calibration-curve

login example

Root object Object Schema Description Explanation Type Example
version * Version of the corresponding JSON Schema Version for the schema with semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) string "1.0.0"
header * Header data Meta-information to identify and catalogize the calibration data stored in measurements
creationDate File creation date string "2022-03-22"
orderTargetDispatchDate * Targeted dispatch date of the order string "2022-03-15"
orderNumber * KELLER purchase order number int 9990016
orderPosition * KELLER purchase order position int 3
customerProductType * Customer internal product type string "9990016-123"
pressureType * Pressure type string "PAA"
productSeries * KELLER product series string "33X"
productType * KELLER product type string "PAA-33X"
productNumber * KELLER product number string "1234567.0001"
serialNumber * KELLER product serial number string "I123456"
compensatedPressureRange * Pressure range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated object {"max": 1.0,"min": 0.0,"unit": "bar"}
compensatedTemperatureRange * Temperature range over which the sensors characteristics have been compensated object {"max": 70.0, "min": 15.0, "unit": "°C"}
electricSupply * Nominal electric supply

object {"unit": "V","max": 24.0,"min": 4.5} or {"unit": "mA","magnitude": 1.0}
customerReferenceNumber * Customer internal reference number string "Jane Doe"
remarks * string ""
customerName * Customer name string "DemoData Inc."
customerNumber * KELLER customer identification number string "9990016 Rev. 2"
customerOrderNumber * Customer internal purchase order number "123456700012"
measurements[]* Array of individual measurements. Item order corresponds to order in measurement sequence. Array of Measurement
reference * KELLER reference to original measurement data string "TSX_ABCD567P89"
environment * Real conditions of the measurement point environment object {
    "pressure": {
    "magnitude": 0.1000031,
    "unit": "bar"
    "temperature": {
    "magnitude": 14.6304,
    "unit": "°C"
    "barometer": {
    "magnitude": 0.970963,
    "unit": "bar"
environmentTarget Target conditions of the measurement point environment object {
    "pressure": {
    "magnitude": 0.1,
    "unit": "bar"
    "temperature": {
    "magnitude": 15,
    "unit": "°C"
raw Raw measurement values object {
    "bridgeResistance": {
     "magnitude": 3391.10116554,
     "unit": "Ohm"
    "signal": {
     "magnitude": 24.238461872,
    "unit": "mV"
compensated Compensated measurement data by different compensation methods

object {
    "compensationCircuitOutputs": {
    "P1": {
    "measuredValue": {
     "magnitude": 0.03000106,
    "unit": "bar"
    "nominalValue": "magnitude": 0.02999711,
    "unit": "bar"
    "TOB1": {
    "measuredValue": {
    "magnitude": 14.59302,
    "unit": "°C"
    "nominalValue": {
    "magnitude": 14.6313,
    "unit": "°C"
compensationMethods Information on different compensation methods
mathematicalModel A mathematical compensation model object {
    "MM0324": {
    "compensatedPressureRange": {
    "max": 0.35,
    "min": 0.03,
    "unit": "bar"
    "compensatedTemperatureRange": {
    "max": 80.0,
    "min": -10.0,
    "unit": "°C"
    "electricSupply": {
    "magnitude": 1.0,
    "unit": "mA"
    "modelType": "MM0324",
    "parts": {
    "pressure": {
      "coefficients": [[1.8578428692012365, -0.0017637338444390805, 6.089070597524738E-07, -9.469256273591509E-11, 5.4899128873639585E-15],
    [-0.0972735455799812, 0.00010464739112826799, -3.9404534306891384E-08, 6.5906859977677644E-12, -4.1433054700020206E-16], ... etc. ]
     "description": "P = f(Sig,R)",
    "inputs": ["Sig", "Rb"],
    "output": "P"
    "temperature": {
      "coefficients": [[-7875.716974895135, 4.720765539450497, -0.036522641391128374], [7.760050026358172, ...etc. ],],
     "description": "T = f(R,Sig)",
    "inputs": ["Rb", "Sig"],
    "output": "T"
compensationCircuit Compensation circuit object    {
    "outputs": {
    "P1": {
    "description": "Pressure 1"
    "TOB1": {
    "description": "Temperature 1"
    "description": "5432109.0004"

5) Sample Software

Github repo:

6) FAQ (overview) (overview) List of standards: eg ISO 9001 , ISO 20000-1: 2011, ISO 2230, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, BIR 2012 (Netherlands), UK G-Cloud, Argentina PDPA …

7) Roadmap

8) Release Notes

See Release Notes